A collection of postcard images documenting the golden age of flowing artesian wells across the United States and the world, generally from the early 1900s and with a bias toward Texas. Also included, from time to time, are other water-related postcards.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

wellhead tour: Dallas, Texas!

If you look in the lower left-hand corner of the above photo, one of Dallas' first artesian wells can be seen. Below is a closeup (I took these photos of a photo in the hotel I was staying in...). There's actually a remnant of the wellhead still in place at the site, called by the locals "Big Red", once the courthouse for Dallas County (and now a museum). 

I learned about this well from here, which gave me a big smile since I've been searching for photographic evidence of early artesian wells in Dallas for a long time (the artesian wells in Fort Worth, Dallas, and Waco preceded the golden age of postcard documentation of artesian wells). 

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