A collection of postcard images documenting the golden age of flowing artesian wells across the United States and the world, generally from the early 1900s and with a bias toward Texas. Also included, from time to time, are other water-related postcards.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hubbard, Texas

Middletown Springs, Vermont

Clinton, Missouri

Winimac, Indiana

McBee, South Carolina

Alamosa, Colorado

Scotts Valley, California

Jackson, Tennessee

Corpus Christi, Texas

Mineral Wells, Texas

Belle Plaine, Iowa

Artesia, New Mexico

Sanderson, Texas

Mineral Wells, Texas

Humble, Texas

Houston, Texas

Hereford, Texas

Glen Rose, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

Hanley, Canada

Well machine, Hanley, Canada

Hot Springs, New Mexico

Belle Plaine, Iowa

Winamac, Indiana

Djerba, Tunisia

Pecos, Texas

Jackson, Tennessee

Cissna Park, Illinois